The largest independent video game fair in Spain will take place on September 27th, 28th, and 29th.
8500m2 de espacio de exhibición.
Day dedicated to industry professionals, publishers, press, students, with conferences, activities, and of course, video games.
B2B area dedicated to professionals with MeetToMatch as a networking platform.
Steam event. Demos, early access, and games participating in the fair.
TalentDevDay. Space for emerging talent: Job Fair and industry professionals meetup.
Transport discount (only for Spain)*
* Para obtener tu descuento del 10% con Renfe en viajes de larga distancia y AVE, pincha aquí
The parking lot Plaça de l'Ajuntament de (telpark), near La Farga, offers parking and mobility solutions for exhibitors and visitors through the Telpark app. Exhibitors can reserve spaces at competitive prices with the "Reservation" and "Multipass" options (for example, 5 passes of 12 hours for €17.50). Visitors can get a 29% discount by activating the "Express Entry" option in the app.
La Farga
Carrer de Barcelona, 2,
L’Hospitalet de Llobregat,
08901 Barcelona
Underground: L1 – Parada “Rambla Just Oliveras” salida “Rambla Just Oliveras”
Train: R1, R3, R4, R7 Parada “L’Hospitalet de Llobregat”
Ferrocarril: R5, R6, R50, R53, R63, S3, S4, S8, S9, L8 parada “Av.Carrilet” salida “Prat de la Riba”
Bus: L52, L82, M12, LH2 – Parada “Barcelona – Av. Isabel la Catòlica”
Discover opportunities in the world of video games at TalentDevDay.
Join our exciting Job Fair!
If you create content or work for a media outlet, request your press pass to cover all the things we have prepared.
"THE" booth, bring your game to the event, showcase it to the world, to investors, and have access to the B2B Area
Big Stand, the best way to get extensive playtesting, have a larger space, or showcase multiple of your projects.
Don't miss out on our latest releases and those from the national video game sector.